Sunday, August 9, 2009

Book Mania!

As many people close to me know, I am a self-confessed book nerd, and seeing as though I dedicate about 97% of my time to reading books, newspapers, magazines (basically anything i can get a hold of) i thought I may as well write about that. As part of an assessment task through t.a.f.e, i've had to start my own blog about a topic that i'm interested in so here it is. Not quite sure what to first write about so I'll just list some of my favorite things to read and possibly suggest some good reading material to broaden the mind for any of you wishing to become as geeky as I am.

1. The Daily Telegraph: As one who is learning the skills of journalism, i believe it is inevitable that I read the newspaper daily, and this one seems to be the easiest to read! haha

2. Shakespeare: Yes as sad as some people find this, I think Shakespeare is awesome! Even when I had to study it for my HSC, I thoroughly enjoyed it. When all my classmates would cry out of sheer boredom, my face would light up with excitement. My favorites would have to be Macbeth, King Lear and Romeo and Juliet. Oh the drama! Oh the madness! Oh the tragedy! I LOOVE it.

3. Jane Austen.
Emma, Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice.....come gotta love the classics. And you gotta love Jane Austen. I think the reason why her novels are so popular is because not only are her books funny but they focus on an era where women were so dependent on men in order to get a boost in society...her humor and her subtle comments through her characters give such an "up yours" to all those misogynistic idiots, and its just so refreshing and cool to see this writing style from a woman in the 1800's.

4. Novels - Now this is where I get a little picky - there are just some genre's that I will refuse to read no matter how "amaaaaaaazing" people tell me the book in question is. Under no circumstances will you see me carrying a crime & thriller, sci-fi (fantasy is acceptable but any of that star-trek crap makes me ill), politics or military novel. YUCK! Now things that you would definitely see me proudly carrying around with me include: horror, romance (not including the trashy ones with the muscly man with long blonde hair waving in the wind and his body draped over red satin sheets), self-help (when i get desperate), history, biography, childrens, film-tv-music-drama, and general and literary fiction.

5. Cosmopolitan and Cleo magazine: Where would i get all my fabulous beauty, health, entertainment and other various vital pieces of information? And besides, reading isn't just for feeding your brain knowledge, expanding your vocabulary and becoming an intellectual (your mind has to relax and enjoy itself from time to time, right?

Well, thats all from me for tonight!
"Good night, good night! Parting is such sweet sorrow"
- Romeo and Juliet


  1. Alexander OgnenovskiAugust 17, 2009 at 3:01 AM

    where is the "encyclopaedia of world football" in this??? or what about "the arsenal"?? they are great books and are great to read as well... very fun

  2. Haha, I'm a total book nerd as well! Also love the shakespeare - my favs are Hamlet, Midsummer night's dream & Macbeth. The blog looks great ^_^

  3. Aw thanks Jen! You have good taste in Shakespeare hehe. Midsummer night's dream is also a good one! xo
